frequently asked questions
Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about upcycle it products.
Our top 5 most frequently asked questions

upcycle it sells also thourgh retailers and dealers across Europe. If you have purchased a product from a dealer, than please contact the seller for any questions you might have. If your product is bought on our upcycle it webshop, then send us an email at or head over to our customer section for mere info.
Send us an email at as soon as possible. Please be aware that we send packages same day the order is placed.
Send us an email at as soon as possible. Please be aware that we send packages same day the order is placed.
Every upcycle it product is grouped in either A, B or C grade depending on the cosmetic condition of the given product. You can read more about our grades here.
When you turn your upcycle it computer on for the first time, you’ll be asked to complete some setup steps. When these steps are accomplished, you’ll be ready to use your computer.